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     Many Australians don’t get health care because they are very anxious or fearful of the procedure they need. In dentistry for example, nearly 16% of the adult population suffer from dental fear.

     Thousands of us would rather avoid visiting their dentist than receiving dental care, putting at significant risk their oral health. 

     With the introduction of office-based anaesthesia, no longer will people keep putting off their visit to the dentist, and instead, they’ll be able to restore their oral health.

What is intravenous sedation?

     Intravenous (IV) sedation, also known as “twilight” or “conscious sedation, is an anaesthetic technique by which the patient receives intravenous doses of anaesthetic agents to create a very sleepy and pleasant dream-like state. 

     Under sedation, the patient remains relaxed, comfortable, and unaware of his/her surroundings while still maintaining the ability to breath on his/her own. The ultimate goals are to provide optimal working conditions for your dentist or doctor while you stay conscious and responsive yet in a calm, dream-like state where time just flies by. No discomfort, just results!

Why having IV sedation?

     IV sedation is beneficial for multiple circumstances. In a dental office, it is most used for:    

  • Anxiety or fear/phobia about procedures, like dental work.

  • Traumatic procedural experiences in the past.

  • Dislike needle, drills, pain/discomfort, tastes, or smells associated with dental procedures

  • Strong gag reflex.

  • Long and complex procedure

  • Difficulty to sit still in the chair or procedural table.

  • Who will give my anaesthetics?
    Riverside Anaesthesia only works with experienced anaesthetists for its sedatives. During the anaesthetics, you will be constantly monitored by a dedicated specialist doctor who will provide one-to-one care to you. Anaesthetists in Australia are highly qualified medical specialists, having spent at least five years of specialist training, after the compulsory 2 years of internship and residency. In the 5 years of specialist training, anaesthetists undergo intensive training in anaesthesia, intensive care, pain management, resuscitation and the management of medical emergencies.
  • Is it safe?
    Yes. Although a few patients may have mild side effects such as nausea, modern anaesthesia is exceptionally safe. The risk of complications is associated more closely to the specific type of procedure a patient is undergoing and his or her underlying health problems than to the actual anaesthesia itself. With office-based anaesthesia – for properly selected procedures, thoroughly screened patients, and with an experienced anaesthetist – the risk is indeed very low. With the advent of more sophisticated monitoring, a better understanding of individual responses to anaesthesia and surgery, and improved anaesthesia agents, the safety of anaesthesia has dramatically increased over the last two decades. The general risk of mortality from anaesthesia is estimated to be 1:200,000 – 1:400,000 for healthy patients undergoing elective procedures. Indeed, the most risky part of the surgical day is potentially the car trip home.
  • Will i need pre-assessment prior to my anaesthetic?
    Once your procedure has been confirmed and booked, you will need to fill in a health questionnaire to the best of your ability. Get someone to help if you require. Your anaesthetist will contact you for phone assessment and may request further workup/ optimisation of your health if required. This is a very useful opportunity for you to ask any questions that you have about the anaesthetist.
  • Cost effective and claim on Medicare
    Having all of your dental treatment, for example, in one appointment is not only convenient for many patients but can also be cost effective especially when considering down-time and time off from work , and family life. Whilst the costs of sleep dentistry do include the costs of the specialist anaesthetist, these anaesthetic fees are claimable on Medicare. We will assist you in getting reimbursement from Medicare. Receipt will be provided once payment has been completed.
  • Ideal for very anxious patients.
    Anyone and everyone c but it is particularly indicated for patients who are nervous or anxious, cannot tolerate dental treatment, for example, because of issues such as gagging reflex, or cannot lie back to receive dental treatment.
  • Are there any hidden fees?​
    No. Our fees include all necessary medications, disposable equipment and sterilization of multiple-use equipment.

Why having IV sedation?

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